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Teaching in SL

Over the years, I have been incorporating more and more technology into my chemistry classes. Now that I retired in 2015, it is fun to look back at what I did. Here's a PP presentation I gave long ago. I am editing this in 2017.

Fall 2010 was my 3rd semester at trying to incorporate optional weekly review sessions into SL. Optional for a few reasons. (1) My classes are large; I teach two classes of about 250 students each, so obviously I cannot have everyone in SL at the same time. (2) I do have a few students under 18 - which is problematic. (3) Some students are very uncomfortable in SL. Here I'll be blogging about the trials/tribulations of encouraging students to get involved in SL. Here's the link to a video clip of a tour of my area:

Chemistry World is the island Kurt Winkleman and I developed to see if first year chem students can do labs in SL. This blog is not about that project.

You can visit to keep updated with our papers.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Arvel Presentation went well!

Hi, all - so today was my presentation for ARVEL SIG inworld discussion (ARVEL is Applied Research in Virtual Environments for Learning - Special Interest Group). We had fun - had lots of folks who hadn't been to the TAMU Islands before.  Here is a picture of our group.  I even bought an espresso/water machine for refreshments!  If you want a copy of the powerpoint presentation, just email me at  After the talk, I gave a little tour of the area and showed off the "Molecule Game," a variation on a Scavenger Hunt - see previous blog entry.  I had to leave early because the alarm went off; we had a gas leak in the building - but everything was OK.


  1. I want to hear more about your research! When will you present your results at vTAMU or at another SL venue? You have done such great work in this area. Thank you for leading the way for innovative teaching to college students.

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